Sonata’s Troubles at Work


This is a snapshot story from a storybook that contains clinical presentations of various mental disorders. The characters present maladaptive (and adaptive) psychological features that are associated with their disorders.

Sonata, a middle-aged woman, had major issues whenever it was her time to present at work. However, this presentation was important as this time it was to be given specifically to a team hired by a potential investor to get the know-how of Sonata’s firm.

Sonata was a hardworking woman. She was always a little wary of social gatherings, avoiding them as much as possible. However, for much of her life she had still tried to do her best to manage this condition.

Often when presenting or even standing in large groups of friends or family, Sonata had a feeling that others were judging the way she looked, talked and behaved. This feeling made her loath the times she had to speak out at work. Nevertheless, she had tried to adapt. She was getting better until the CEO of the company commented on her meekness while she was presenting to a foreign client.

Her reaction, which was of puzzlement and fear became somewhat of a hidden joke at work. Sonata didn’t find it funny. In fact, for much of the past year since this event, she had shirked away from most social events at work. Even when giving a monthly report she mostly tried to run through the slide, terrified that someone would make a comment.

Sonata also did not like how her face would turn red before she was to speak out. She could feel her heart racing and her head getting hot and she did not like to think what others could make of it.

That is why she mostly remained to herself. That is not to say that she did not have friends at work. She did talk regularly to two other coworkers. But presenting in front of an audience was simply too much.

However, this time, there was no escape. The clients were too important. Plus, Sonata was actually proud of the work she had done in the last couple of months. But she had not slept the entire night before the presentation day. She felt tired, nervous and very low.

Just before she was about to leave for work in the morning, Sonata tried priming herself in her car. She tried to justify the presentation, tried to minimize her anxiety by relaxing, repeating encouragement to herself.

It worked a little, and she drove herself to work.

However, seeing the spacious hall, the special arrangements, and the investors seated along with 100 other people, Sonata began feeling faint.

She went to the podium, feeling light-headed. She tried to start speaking, but she felt herself choking. Suddenly, she was even more aware of how hot her face felt. There appeared to be a thousand eyes staring at Sonata.

She hurriedly went through the slides, read them out aloud and walked off the stage.

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I am a clinical psychologist and I am completely devoted to my profession. Currently, I teach psychology to undergraduate students at Government College, Renala, Okara.


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