Tag: panic disorder

  • Paneck’s Problems at Work

    Paneck’s Problems at Work

    A 35 year old male, Paneck was employed as a manager at a beauty salon. This was his 3rd year at the salon and he had had a troubled experience dealing with the recent issues at work. Thanks to the marketing team and the staff’s work, the beauty salon had recently gotten a boom of…

  • Etiology, Prevalence, Diagnostic Criteria, and Features of Panic Disorder

    Etiology, Prevalence, Diagnostic Criteria, and Features of Panic Disorder

    A lot of people in the general community have panic disorder. It is one form of anxiety disorder that is characterized by recurrent, sudden panic attacks. Many ideas and models try to explain how panic disorder might start. Most of them point to a biological imbalance as a major cause, such as problems with gamma-aminobutyric…